Natal Chart
Your Natal Chart, also called Birth Chart, is a snapshot of the sky the moment you were born. It is exceedingly rare to come across someone with your same exact natal chart. This chart is like looking at the cosmos within you. All the energies of the planets in your natal chart are a force within; and, learning your natal chart can help you understand yourself much more intimately and deeper. The placements of the planets, the sign they are in, the houses they are in, and the aspects they make to each other can lend a lot of insights to your life.
Natal Chart Reading
Individual reading $88
Emailed PDF Includes
Picture of Natal Chart
Overall summary of your charts energies
Each planet and the sign they fall into
House cusps and meaning
Insights to life purpose
I use Solar Fire software for the most accurate calculations. I spend a lot of time with each chart and really get in tune with the energy. Writing out all the interpretations can take about a week. Since helping people find their purpose in life and illuminating truth is so important, I add an extra section for life purpose insights. For these reasons, I can only take on so many charts at once, but if my schedule is filled I will send an email as soon as I am open again.
Progressed Natal Chart
Individual reading $44
Emailed PDF Includes
Picture of Progressed Natal Chart
Overall summary of your charts energies
Each planet and the sign they fall into for given year
Main themes for year ahead
A progressed Natal Chart shows alterations in the birth chart to give insight into the changing influences that result from motions of the celestial bodies after birth. I only offer this to those who have already received a natal chart reading. You can then get your progressed natal chart for the current year to better understand the changing influences. I think it is important to understand your Natal Chart before diving into a progressed natal chart.